business inspections
Prevention is the key to safe business operations. We periodically inspect businesses in our District for safety and code compliance, which lowers the chances of a fire occurring in your business.
Prior to scheduling your inspection appointment, please review the following requirements to ensure that your business complies and passes the inspection.
Maintain fire lane free of obstructions
Provide fire lane identification
Provide address numbers/building I.D. visible from the street
Provide approved key box/lock/switch and/or keys for fire dept. access
Remove obstuctions at exits, doors, aisles, corridors, stairways etc.
Exit door to open without a key or any special knowledge/effort
Repair non-operable exit door hardware
Remove obstructions from door required to be closed
Remove locks/latches from doors with panic hardware
Remove storage from unprotected stairway
Provide/maintain exit signs/emergency lighting
Service or replace extinguishers annually (current service tag required or purchase receipt taped to extinguisher)
Provide/mount fire extinguisher. Max. Height = 5 feet (top of extinguisher) Min. Height = 4 inches bottom of extinguisher from finished floor)
Provide clear access to fire extinguisher
Post a sign indicating fire extinguisher location
Maintain, repair, paint, inspect, and/or test sprinkler/standpipe system/hydrant/FDC/PIV
Maintain 3 feet minimum clearance for access/use of fire appliances/equipment
Secure all system control valves in the open position
Replace damaged/painted/missing sprinkler heads/FDC caps
Provide 5 year certification test for sprinkler/standpipe system
Provide sprinkler coverage in unprotected areas
Provide spare sprinkler heads (min. 6) and compatible wrench
Hood and duct extinguishing system to be service and tagged
Remove grease from hood, duct and filters (KEEP CLEAN)
Maintain, repair, inspect, and/or test fire alarm system annually or as needed
Provide/maintain operable smoke detectors in each dwelling unit
Repair holes in required fire resistive construction
Provide/repair self or automatic closing fire rated assemblies
Keep attic access and scuttle openings closed
Discontinue use of extension cords
Install permanent wiring for fixed and stationary appliances
Provide cover plates for all junction boxes. Provide spacers for electrical panel
Remove exposed wiring or protect in approved conduit
Provide a 30 inches clear space to and in front of electrical panel
Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage
Provide a flammable liquid storage cabinet or reduce storage quantity to 10 gallons or less
Remove all flammable liquids not used for maintenance purposes
Store flammable liquids away from exits, stairs, corridors, electrical equipment
Maintain equipment, machinery and required detection equipment
Obtain a hazardous materials permit if required
Secure compressed gas cylinders. Identify product name.
Arrange storage in an orderly fashion
Remove combustible storage from boiler, mechanical, and electrical rooms
Reduce storage to 24 inches below ceiling or 18 inches below sprinkler heads (storage to ceiling OK along walls)
Provide listed container for oily rag storage
Provide metal trash can with lid for ashes
Remove waste/rubbish materials from premises
Keep dumpsters 5 feet away from combustible walls, eaves or openings
Provide defensible space at all times for combustible vegetation/materials (see defensible space section of our website)
Post room capacity (occupancy limit)
Other violations and comments